Flora del Partido de Villarino

$47.31 USD
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This book records the plant species that make up the flora of Villarino and make up the communities that characterize its landscape, providing a basic tool to address productive and sustainable development. The information offered is a synthesis of the results obtained during numerous trips to collect, identify and evaluate the plant species that grow spontaneously in the area of ​​the game. A brief description of its peculiarities will facilitate the study of its evolution over time and allow its preservation.


With a rigorous methodological procedure, the authors present the compendium of vascular plants that until now have managed to adapt to the environmental changes imposed by the advances of modern technology. The scientific name is included and the 538 species of plants whose presence has been documented in the area of ​​the party are systematically ordered by family and genus; Illustrative comments on their distribution, development phases and abundance are also offered.


Taking into account that floristic surveys at this geographical level are still scarce in the country, Flora of the Villarino district represents a turning point for the establishment of regional nature-friendly development programs.

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